STAT4101 Comment Page

I don't really like anonymous comments, and would prefer that you email me directly or use your name below if you'd like your comment to be public. Nevertheless, if you have a comment, question, suggestion about the class that you would like to send anonymously or publicly, feel free to use this anonymous message board. Whatever you put in the box below will be sent to me anonymously.

I will post all comments below, followed by my response. If you change anonymous to your name, I'll post your name, unless you request otherwise in the comment.

STAT4101 is closed to comments.

Q: I don't know if anyone else will agree, but that test was too long for the time frame we had. It was representative of the practice midterm and the examples in class so it wasn't that difficult if you knew the material, just long.
Q: aaron, i just wanted to say that i think the actual exam was significantly harder than the practice exam. after doing the practice exam, i thought i was way more prepared for the exam than i actually ended up being. i guess i'm hoping that in the future the practice exams will more closely represent the content of the exam.
A: I agree that it was too long, especially for those of you without a strong mathematics background. Like the first commenter, I thought the practice exam was representative of the exam, and contrary to the second commenter, I thought the practice problems were more difficult, not less. Tell me what made you think the opposite, and what made the actual exam more difficult for you. Was it a specific question or questions? Or maybe it was just the time restraint? Please respond. Thanks.

posted November 17, 2006

Q: Where are the solutions for the practice midterm posted?
A: On the homework page. Direct Link here. I've also added a direct link on the main page.

posted November 13, 2006

Q: Did you post the solutions for homeworks 6 & 7 yet? I am trying to open them, but for some reason it doesn't work. I get a message that says error 404. Thanks!
A: Homework 6 should be posted by the end of the day; Homework 7 sometime next week. Thanks for your patience.

posted November 11, 2006

Q: I have also found the book difficult to learn from directly, and while this serves as a good incentive to actually go to class, it can make it difficult when all you need is clarification on something. Buying another book for next semester seems a little bit like a gamble to me, but I think handouts with basic summaries of techniques and clearly labeled examples might do the trick. -- From Anonymous
A: Thanks for your comments! I agree that switching books halfway through is probably not a good idea. Trying handouts to help with summarizing and clarifying information sounds like a good idea to me. I heard recently that the professor from last year had some so am looking into using those. Also, I plan to start to use more examples from the book in class, so that parts of it are explained and it hopefully becomes easier to understand. My hope is that the book is able to become useful for you; otherwise it's just money wasted. (Also, I apologize about the slow response to this comment.)

posted November 1, 2006

Q: Are we going to be using this same book in STAT 4102 next semester? The problems within it are fine, but the book can be hard to learn from directly. -- From Anonymous
A: Yes, we will use the same book next semester. I'm sorry you find the book hard to learn from. As this is my first time teaching this course, I chose the book that has been used for this class in the past. However, if others feel this way, that may influence a decision on which book is used next year. Also, is there something that you think might help you learn the material better (eg handouts with main points, or something like that) ?

posted October 17, 2006

Q: Could you please post the mean and standard deviation for our scores from test 1? Thanks!! -- From Anonymous
A: I prefer the median as a measure of average performance; it was 48.

posted October 16, 2006

Q: Hi Aaron, I think the class is going great so far! -- From Anonymous
A: I admit it; I sent this one to myself to test it out. If you disagree (or even if you agree), please let me know.

posted September 15, 2006