Selected Articles

Production, Interest, and Saving in Deterministic Economies with Additive Endowments
(with I. Karatzas and M. Shubik)           pdf
Economic Theory, 29 525-548 (2006)

Subgame-Perfect Equilibria for Stochastic Games (with Ashok Maitra)           pdf
Mathematics of Operations Research, 32 711-722 (2007)

De Finetti Coherence and Logical Consistency (with James Dickey and Morris Eaton)           link
Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic, 50 133-139 (2009)

Two Characterizations of Optimality in Dynamic Programming (with Ioannis Karatzas)           pdf
Applied Mathematics and Optimization, 61 421-434 (2010)

Invariance of Posterior Distributions under Reparametrization
(with Morris L. Eaton)           link
Sankhya, Series A, 72 101-118 (2010).

Big Vee: The Story of a Function, an Algorithm, and Three Mathematical Worlds
(with Roger Purves)           link
Sankhya, Series A, 72 37-63 (2010).

Perfect Information Games with Upper Semicontinuous Payoffs
(with Roger Purves)           pdf

Inflationary Equilibrium in a Stochastic Economy with Independent Agents
(with J. Geanakoplos, I. Karatzas, and M. Shubik)           pdf