\name{mussel} \alias{mussel} \title{ The New Zealand mussels data } \description{ The New Zealand mussels data } \usage{ data("mussel") } \format{ The data frame contains the following components: \describe{ \item{X}{X=0 if it was found to have pea crabs living withing the shell, X=1 if it was free of pea crabs.} \item{Y}{logrithms of shell height, shell width, shell length, shell mass, mussel mass, viscera mass.} } } \source{ Cook, R. Dennis, Bing Li, and Francesca Chiaromonte. "Envelope models for parsimonious and efficient multivariate linear regression." \emph{Statist. Sinica} 20 (2010): 927-1010. } \references{ Cook, R. Dennis, Bing Li, and Francesca Chiaromonte. "Envelope models for parsimonious and efficient multivariate linear regression." \emph{Statist. Sinica} 20 (2010): 927-1010. } \keyword{datasets}