\name{asym.spenv} \alias{asym.spenv} \title{Asyptotic covariance of vec(beta) for a fitted sparse envelope model} \description{ This function compute the asyptotic covariance of vec(beta) and asymptotic standard error for elements in beta for a fiteed sparse envelope model. } \usage{ ModelOutput = asym.spenv(object) } \arguments{ \item{object}{A fitted spenv object.} } \value{ \item{covMatrix}{The asymptotic covariance of vec(beta). An rp by rp matrix. The covariance matrix returned are asymptotic. For the actual standard errors, multiply by 1/n.} \item{asySE}{The asymptotic standard error for elements in beta under the envelope model. An r by p matrix. The standard errors returned are asymptotic, for actual standard errors, multiply by 1/sqrt(n).} \item{ratio}{The asymptotic standard error ratio of the standard multivariate linear regression estimator over the envelope estimator, for each element in beta. An r by p matrix.} } \references{ Su Z, Zhu G, Chen X, Yang Y. Sparse envelope model: efficient estimation and response variable selection in multivariate linear regression. Biometrika. 2016 Sep 1;103(3):579-93. } \author{Zhihua Su\cr Maintainer: Guangyu Zhu \email{gzhu22@ufl.edu}} \seealso{\code{choose_env} for choosing the dimension of envelope subspace.}