\name{SAT} \alias{SAT} \docType{data} \title{ SAT score data } \description{ The average SAT score of the fifty states in the U.S. in 1982, as well as six variables that are used to predict the average SAT score. } \usage{ data(SAT) } \format{ The data frame contains the following components: \describe{ \item{sat}{ sat income years public expend rank} \item{takers}{percentage of the total eligible students in the state who took the exam;;} \item{income}{the median income of families of the test takers;} \item{years}{the average number of years that the test takers had formal studies in social sciences, natural sciences and humanities;} \item{public}{the percentage of the test takers who attended public secondary schools;} \item{expend}{the total state expenditure on secondary schools;} \item{rank}{the median percentile ranking of the test takers within their secondary school classes.} } } \source{ Ramsey, F. and Schafer, D. (2012). The Statistical Sleuth: A Course in Methods of Data Analysis. Boston: Cengage Learning. } \examples{ #wheatprotein data(SAT) SAT=as.data.frame(scale(SAT,scale=FALSE)) new=model.matrix(sat~(takers+income+years+public+expend+rank)^2,SAT) X=as.matrix(new[,c(2:22)]) Y=as.matrix(SAT[,1]) #m1=spxenv(X,Y,u=3) } \keyword{datasets}