% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/rDiscreteTInvGamma.R \name{rDiscreteTInvGamma} \alias{rDiscreteTInvGamma} \title{returns an approximate (discrete approximation) sample from a truncated invarse gamma distribution} \usage{ rDiscreteTInvGamma(n = 1, alpha, beta, l, u, partition = 10, epsilon = 1e-05) } \arguments{ \item{n}{number of sample to be generated} \item{partition}{is a parameter such that the generated discrete random variable will be of precise upto log_10(partition) decimal places} \item{epsilon}{is the tail probability left for a gamma random variable while upper truncation in Infinity. default value is .00001} \item{alpha=}{shape parameter} \item{beta=}{rate parameter} \item{l=}{lower truncation value} \item{u=}{upper truncation value} } \description{ returns an approximate (discrete approximation) sample from a truncated invarse gamma distribution }