% Generated by roxygen2 (4.1.1): do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/SampleEta.R \name{SampleEta} \alias{SampleEta} \title{Samples the random variable eta from a matrix normal random variable with appropriate parameters.} \usage{ SampleEta(X, U, omega, gamma, C_prior = NULL, e_prior = NULL) } \arguments{ \item{X:}{X-variable matrix with dimension n cross p.} \item{U:}{matrix containing Y variables with dimension n cross r.} \item{gamma"}{matrix with u many orthonormal column. dimension r cross u.} \item{C_prior:}{prior specification. a p cross p variance covariance matrix.} \item{e_Prior:}{prior specification. a r cross p matrix.} } \description{ Samples the random variable eta from a matrix normal random variable with appropriate parameters. }