What Statistics 101 Doesn't Teach, But Should Charles J. Geyer School of Statistics University of Minnesota Introductory statistics courses teach the math not the philosophy, partly because the math is hard enough and partly in order not to offend, because statistically questionable methodology is widely used in science. This questionable methodology was highlighted in recent articles titled "The truth wears off: Is there something wrong with the scientific method?" in the New Yorker and "Why most published research findings are false" in PLoS Medicine. Both parts of the New Yorker title are wrongheaded. The apparent decline of "statistical significance" in follow-up studies is a well understood result of publication bias and multiple testing without correction, and it does not show anything wrong with "the scientific method." The PLoS Medicine title perhaps needs an addendum: in areas of science that rely heavily on statistics (which is understood in that journal). We will explain these issues and discuss the problems they raise for scientific inference that are primarily statistical and discuss the electric power lines and cancer debacle as an example.