Selected Publications

Selected Books:

  • Eaton, M.L. (1983). Multivariate Statistics: A Vector Space Approach . Wiley, 512 pages.
  • Eaton, M.L. (1989). Group Invariance Applications in Statistics. Published by Institute of Mathematical Statistics and American Statistical Association, 133 pages.

    Selected Research Journal Publications:

  • Eaton, M.L. and Efron, B. (1970). Hotelling's T2 test under symmetry conditions. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 65, 702-711.
  • Eaton, M.L. (1970). A note on symmetric Bernoulli random variables. Annals of Mathematical Statistics, 41, 1223-1226.
  • Eaton, M.L. (1974). A probability inequality for linear combinations of bounded random variables. Annals of Statistics, 2, 609-613.
  • Eaton, M.L. and Perlman, M. (1977). Reflection groups, generalized Schur functions, and the geometry of majorization. Annals of Probability, 5, 829-860.
  • Eaton, M.L. (1978). Complete class theorems derived from conditional complete class theorems. Annals of Statistics, 6, 820-827.
  • Eaton, M.L. (1981). On the projections of isotropic distributions. Annals of Statistics, 9, 391-400.
  • Eaton, M.L. (1982). A review of selected topics in multivariate probability inequalities. A Special Invited Paper in Annals of Statistics, 10, 11-43.
  • Eaton, M.L. (1982). A method for evaluating improper prior distributions. Decision Theory and Related Topics III, Vol. 1, ed. by Gupta and Berger, 329-352.
  • Eaton, M.L. (1985). The Gauss-Markov Theorem in multivariate analysis. Multivariate Analysis, VI, ed. P.R. Krishnaiah, Elsevier Science Publishers, 177-201.
  • Eaton, M.L. and Tyler, D.E. (1991). On Wielandt's inequality and its application to the asymptotic distribution of the eigenvalues of a random symmetric matrix. Annals of Statistics, 19, 260-271.
  • Eaton, M.L. (1992). A statistical diptych: Improper priors and admissible inferences - Recurrence of symmetric Markov chains. A Special Invited Paper in Annals of Statistics, 20, 1147-1179.
  • Diaconis, P., Eaton, M.L. and Lauritzen, S.L. (1992). Finite de Finetti theorems in linear models and multivariate analysis. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 19, 289-315.
  • Eaton, M.L. and Tyler, D. (1994). The asymptotic distribution of singular values with application to canonical correlations and correspondence analysis. Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 50, 2, pp. 238-264.
  • Eaton, M.L., Giovagnoli, A. and Sebastiani, P. (1996). A predictive approach to the Bayesian design problem with applications to normal regression models. Biometrika, 83, 111-125.
  • Eaton, M.L. and Sudderth, W.D. (1999). Consistency and strong inconsistency of group invariant predictive inference. BERNOULLI, 5, 833-854.
  • Eaton, M. and Sudderth, W. (1998). A new predictive distribution for normal multivariate linear models. Sankya, 60, Series A, pt. 3, pp.363-382.
  • Eaton, M.L. and Sudderth, W. (2002) Group invariant inference and right Haar measure. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference, 103, pp. 87-99.
  • Eaton, M.L. (2001) Markov chain conditions for admissibility in estimation with quadratic loss. In State of the Art in Statistics and Probability, a Festschrift for Willem van Zwet edited by M. de Gunst, C. Klaassen and A. van der Vaart, p. 223-243. Volume 36 in the IMS Lecture Note Series, Beachwood, Ohio.
  • Eaton, M.L. and Sudderth, W. (2001) Best Invariant Predictive Distributions. Contemporary Mathematics Series of the American Mathematical Society, eds. Marlos Viana and Donald Richards, pp. 49-62, Vol. 287. Providence, Rhode Island.
  • Eaton, M.L. and Freedman, D.A. (2004). Dutch book against some ``objective'' priors. Bernoulli, 10, pp. 861-872.
  • Eaton, M.L. and Sudderth, W. D. (2004). Properties of Right Haar Predictive Inference. Sankhya, 66, pt. 3, pp. 487-512.
  • Eaton, M. L., Muirhead, Robb J., and Pickering, Eve H. (2005). Assessing a vector of clinical observations. To appear in Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference.
  • Eaton, M. L. (2004). Evaluating improper priors and the recurrence of symmetric Markov chains: An overview. In a Festschrift for Herman Rubin (ed. Anirban Dasgupta), pp. 5-20. Volume 45 in IMS-LNMS. Beachwood, Ohio.
  • Eaton, M. L. and Fraser, D. A. S. (2005). Prediction and studentization in a multivariate normal setting. To appear in Statistical Neerlandica in a volume in honor of Willem Schaafsma.